Tipi Moza


Project: Back Packs

Tipi Moza, the only Indigenous low-income housing agency between Toronto and Ottawa, is located in Kingston.

Over the last couple of years, the IPPC has provided back packs for the 37 children of the tenants and distributed them at a little get-together.

Project: Indigo/Chapters Gift Card

The Rotary IPPC contributed a $25 Indigo gift card for every child to promote literacy and provided 37 gift bags with donated chocolate and Rotary Christmas cards. The children were very excited to have their own book.


Rotary IPPC's Birgit Wartenberg (middle) with Linda Cory and Martha Beach of Tipi Moza

Board Games & Art Supplies for Tipi Moza

Tipi Moza - Board Games from IPPC
Tipi Moza - More Board Games from IPPC
Tipi Moza - Art Supplies

Rotarians really got into the spirit of sharing with this drive!

The volunteers and contributors collected and delivered a treasure of board games for the transitional house of Tipi Moza.

And just as helpful to the residence, Tipi Moza received a donation of much needed art supplies.