About the IPPC

Our Philosophy is : 
We want to listen!

What do Indigenous communities want
and what are their priorities,

rather than us assuming we know what they need.

We believe it is important to partner with key people
in the different communities to ensure we are partnering with them on priorities
they have identified as meaningful for their specific needs.


  • building trust with the Indigenous communities
  • foster community involvement, have ownership of the results
  • seek to develop personal contacts and friendship


  • to actively seek out
  • research & develop projects that will have a significant impact on children and their parents in Indigenous communities
  • improving living conditions (housing)
  • improving literacy
  • support women's shelter in aboriginal communities 

A Coalition of Rotary Clubs

These are the Rotary Clubs that have committed members and funds to support the vision and objectives of the IPPC

  • Rotary Club of Belleville
  • Rotary Club of Trenton
  • Rotary Club Wellington
  • Rotary Club Palgrave
  • Rotary Club Cataraqui-Kingston

IPPC Members

These are the volunteers that give their time to this cause

As a long-time member of the Rotary Club of Belleville, I was always impressed with the amount of work done by Rotary to improve living conditions around the world.

When I learned Belleville Rotary wanted to support indigenous communities in Ontario, I became very interested in doing anything that I could to help with the IPPC committee, under the direction of Birgit Wartenberg.

Our group started very small and did amazing things for a number of Indigenous communities. Now encompassing five Rotary Clubs, the work is even more amazing. To see the gratification on the faces of these children says it all.

Jamie Trudeau (2)
Jamie Trudeau Rotary Club Belleville

I have an interest in supporting Indigenous communities, which stems from my work in child welfare. Since 2015, I have worked for an Indigenous child welfare agency in Toronto. I have been so privileged to learn from elders and community members about First Nations, Metis and Inuit cultures. 

As a member of the Rotary Club of Belleville and the IPPC, I hope to share my experiences with the local community and beyond.

Timbrell Meehan - IPPC Member
Timbrell Meehan Rotary Club Belleville

I joined the IPPC to help find ways to support Indigenous peoples in their aspirations and help create opportunities for as many people as possible to achieve their life goals. I think I’m only beginning to see the surface of the challenges the Indigenous people have, thanks to my participation in the IPPC. 

It continues to amaze me that such challenges could still exist in 1st World Canada! The IPPC is definitely making a difference. Our challenge would be how to scale our impact to reach more people, more quickly.

St Iyke Ndubuisi
St Iyke Ndubuisi Rotary Club Palgrave, President

The Rotary Club of Trenton is deeply committed to service through partnerships near and far. 

Through the IPPC, we've been able to support solutions to challenges in Indigenous communities. Equity, education and opportunities are all multiplied when we work with hands-on partners who have deep and authentic cultural knowledge.

We have learned so much from our partners and we're excited to work together to promote the best possible outcomes for today and for tomorrow."

Brian Lavender - IPPC Member
Brian Lavender Rotary Club Trenton

Too often programs/solutions are developed by people outside of communities without building meaningful relationships with local leadership as partners. The result - poor outcomes.

In 2017, the Chair of the IPPC presented to my Rotary Club. I was so impressed I joined the committee! Their approach and commitment reflected the priorities identified by the community.

The IPPC allocates bursaries to Indigenous students pursuing post-secondary education. Students are from a variety of sectors are the emerging professional leaders of tomorrow who are passionate about giving back to their communities.

Liz Bosma 2
Liz Bosma-Donovan Rotary Club Wellington

I joined IPPC because I was interested in the work they were doing to help support Indigenous communities and wanted to be able, in some small way to contribute and help continue building these partnerships and upon the good work already being done.

I also feel it’s important to work to build respectful and lasting partnerships with our Indigenous peoples. We all do better when we all work together.

Jennifer_MacMillan 2
Jennifer MacMillan Community Member

I joined the IPPC to try to make a difference in the lives of Indigenous people, not only in my community but in far reaching communities. Not knowing where to begin, this cluster of good people helps guide the way.

Can any of us really understand the challenges, health issues and plights of the Indigenous people? I just hope to make a difference to them.

IPPC makes a difference in that it brings awareness to the forefront of people in our local communities. Every little bit helps and education is the way to get started!

Shelley Hagerman
Shelley Hagerman Community Member

The Rotary Club of Cataraqui-Kingston is the most recent club to join the IPPC. What drew us to this cluster of Rotary Clubs was the ability to work with like-minded clubs to make a difference in our Indigenous Communities. 

We can do so much more when we work collaboratively. We listen, we learn and we respond.

Robert Reid
Robert Reid Rotary Club Cataraqui-Kingston,
National Chair Service Committee

Rotary always strives to make a difference. The IPPC gives us a chance to listen and collaborate with Indigenous Communities.

Rotary Logo with member Initials AS
Ana Sutherland Rotary Club Cataraqui-Kingston,
Past President

As the chair of IPPC I really appreciate every member of this team for showing relentless effort for our projects. 

It gives me great pride to be a leader for this team. The dedication and hard work continues to inspire me. I appreciate everything you all do to support Indigenous people.

Birgit 1
Birgit Wartenberg Rotary Club Belleville,
Chair Indigenous Peoples Partnerships Committee & Chair IPPC