Fort Albany
Fort Albany First Nation is a Cree First Nation reserve in Northeastern Ontario at St. James Bay with a population of approximately 1500. Situated on the southern shore of the Albany River, Fort Albany First Nation is accessible only by air, water, or by winter road.
The IPPC connected with the housing officer, Roxanne of Fort Albany and inquired about improvements to the housing conditions in Fort Albany. During our first project in 2012 the following items were installed:
1 Solar Heat Panel
22 Bathroom Exhaust Fans
Window Film (for
approx. 200 people)
All items were shipped and installed by trained locals (created jobs) and Rick Brant from Tyendinaga
In 2013 the IPPC applied and received a District Grant 55 Bathroom Exhaust Fans were shipped and installed by trained locals (created jobs) and supervised by Rick Brant from Tyendinaga.
The following Rotary Clubs contributed and as a result, housing conditions were improved by installing exhaust fans that reduced moisture/mold in the houses.