Kids Against Hunger
Food Donations
In 2013 the Rotary Club of Belleville started the annual KIDS AGAINST HUNGER food packaging event. Each year approximately 60 Rotarians, family members and friends gather and assemble food packages. At the end we donate 25.000 to 30.000 meals to local organizations, Haiti as well as the Food Resource Centre in Tyendinaga and the Sagamok Anishinabek First Nation on the north shore of Lake Huron.

Everyone loves this event, lots of laughter, fast moving pace and competing with the other assembly lines (5) …. who is ready first. Group picture, clean up, loading the vans and done until next year, all in three – four hours on a Saturday morning.

Learn More About KAH
Kids Against Hunger Canada (KAHC) is a registered Canadian humanitarian charity that is headquartered in Peterborough, Ontario. The organization engages community members to be a part of the solution to address hunger, both in Canada and around the world. Our supporters donate, fundraise, create and participate in the packaging of our highly-nutritious, life-saving meal packs.

Each meal pack contains a full day’s nutrition for six people. The food ingredients include rice, fortified vegetable protein, dehydrated vegetables and a special blend of 21 vitamins & minerals.
Click here to learn more:
Rotary 7070 District Conference 2014, Toronto
In 2014 one of the “hands on” activities at the Rotary 7070 District Conference was the Kids Against Hunger (KAH) food packaging. The goal was to send the food boxes to Indigenous people.
We organized the transport of 35 boxes to the Food Banks in Thunder Bay, Dryden & Kenora as these food banks provide meals to a number of Indigenous clients.